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Deep Tech

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At the “early” stage, the company is agile, disruptive and... fragile.

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Deep Tech

A “Deep Tech” startup is the meeting point between science and business. This is where breakthrough innovations are born that will meet the challenges of the 21st century.

Valeureux is the investment fund
Who advances alongside Early Deep Tech (EDIT).

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Entrepreneurs who advance stand out for their great ambition and their total commitment to their projects.

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They are enthusiastic about the entrepreneurial adventure and invest much more than their money.

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Sustainable = Profitable

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Recognizing environmental and social challenges, Valeureux argues that sustainability is essential for long-term performance.

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Demanding deep techs, who incorporate ethical and conscious practices, are positioned to manage risks, attract talent, and meet the challenges and expectations of tomorrow.

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Combining long-term financial interests with the creation of a positive impact, investing sustainably can also be very profitable.

cxs therapeutics logo

Platform for the repositioning of molecules for diseases on the central nervous system.


Project leader? Tell us about yourself, your financing needs and your ambitions.

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The Valeureux thesis

The value of an EDT is in the value it creates and in the values it carries.

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CXS Therapeutics, première participation - déjà une réussite

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