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Letter 4 CXS Therapeutics SAPPIENS

General Partner

You have probably remembered some elements of the incredible odyssey of CXS Therapeutics and its future subsidiary dedicated to Parkinson, SAPPIENS. Good news keeps coming in, the project is constantly growing, an ascent that we don't see very often. Today I am talking to you about the latest news - and not the least!

Note: if you are new to this adventure - start with Letter 1:


2nd successful fundraiser for CXS Therapeutics

Barely 12 months after CXS Therapeutics first raised funds in December 2023, the second round has just ended.

The initial objective of 400k was exceeded since 750,000 euros were finally subscribed.

At the time of writing, a final investor is finalizing the administrative work and we are waiting for the release of funds, which could bring the amount very close to one million euros.

Added to this is the support of the Center-Val de Loire Region in co-financing with the State and the France 2030 program with a grant of 400,000€.

Learn insert: “About France 2030"

France 2030 is a 54 billion euros investment plan deployed by the French Government, which aims to sustainably transform key sectors of the economy through technological innovation. In particular, it supports innovative technologies in the field of health.

Awarded: France Parkinson Invests in SAPPIENS.

The participation of the France Parkinson Association as an investor is a first, increasing the interest of the medical community in the therapeutic approach developed by the company.

This investment received the formal approval of the France Parkinson Scientific Council, to which the project was submitted. France Parkinson thus demonstrates its ability to co-pilot research projects thanks to the generosity of its donors.

The funds raised will accelerate the development of CXS003, the leading drug candidate against Parkinson's disease, supported by SAPPIENS. This combination of two antidiabetics, at low doses, made it possible to protect neurons against disease in vitro, by reducing neuroinflammation and by correcting the altered metabolism of diseased cells. These data give hope for an effective treatment with few adverse effects in humans.

The objective is now to initiate phase II clinical trials in the next 18 months.

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𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟓 : on the way for clinical trial for 𝐂𝐗𝐒𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟑

During the first part of the year, several experimental results are expected, including the proof of concept in a rat model that should be finalized during the month of April.

This model mimicking Parkinson's disease will in particular make it possible to estimate the appropriate oral dosage to obtain effective concentrations as determined in vitro in 2024.

These experiences will be used to prepare an application for authorization to enter a human clinical trial.

This file is currently being prepared with the help of experts, and can be submitted to the competent agencies by the end of 2025.

A World-Class Scientific Committee

SAPPIENS, the subsidiary of CXS Therapeutics Dedicated to Parkinson's disease, is proud to count on the participation of David DAVID To the Scientific and Medical Council to Help Develop its Candidate, CXS003.

Prof. Devos is a neurologist and pharmacologist, expert in abnormal movements at the University Hospital in Lille. He leads the INSERM U1172 TREAT team dedicated to translational and clinical research in order to develop innovative treatments for neurodegenerative and neurovascular diseases. He also coordinates the NSPARK network in collaboration with other world-renowned neurologists. Professor Devos has agreed to join the SAPPIENS Scientific Council, putting his expertise at the service of our project against Parkinson's disease.

His skills, combined with those of the other members of the Scientific Council, will help us to propose better experimental designs and to interpret the results accordingly.

Beyond Parkinson's:

With the platform up and running, CXS Therapeutics started working on other diseases. High-level scientific partnerships have been established with experts in neurological and genetic diseases, in order to ensure the relevance of the drug candidates that will be selected. Several patents have already been filed on other diseases of the central nervous system.

Charcot's Disease in the Crosshairs

Among the new projects of CXS Therapeutics, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Charcot's disease. This neurodegenerative disease, the most frequent of orphan diseases, remains fatal today in a few years in 100% of cases.

CXS Therapeutics has chosen to use its tools to tackle this condition. In order to accelerate the identification and development of new drug candidates for this indication.

An agreement has been signed with the INSERM iBrain team in Tours (Prof. Philippe CORCIA). This collaboration will allow the exchange of scientific data, confidential at this stage, in order to search for a treatment capable of enduring or stopping the evolution of this currently incurable disease.

We are starting to talk about CXS Therapeutics/A presence at Bio Europe and promising partnerships.


Early investors who are already seeing their portfolio increase in value

More than +350% increase in the value of CXS Therapeutics between the first pioneer fundraising in December 2023 with Valeureux, and this 2E Fundraising, again with Valeureux in December 2024.

Of course, it is not (yet) an exit and there are steps to be taken for this theoretical added value to become real. This will probably be concomitant with the results of the phase II clinical study, with the evidence of effectiveness in humans of CXS 003 — if confirmed by the clinical study.

Certainly that the shares will then have increased in value again.

Economic performance will be the result of therapeutic improvement. And we are proud to be a part of it — alongside all the investors involved.

Joining a Revolution in Progress

Who could have predicted that the CXS Therapeutics project would take on such a big scale? Not a quarter goes by without witnessing the birth of a branch line that alone seems like a revolution. Thousands, perhaps millions of patients could one day benefit from this giant medical step, which we are witnessing with wonder.

But wonder must be accompanied by lucidity and support.

It is no longer possible to invest directly in CXS Therapeutics, the first two rounds which were now closed, but you can do so for a while longer by joining the Valeureux fund.

Exposing yourself to CXS Therapeutics right now means exposing yourself to profitability that is rarely equalled. As a reminder: a 350% increase in value between the first and second rounds.

If you want to be one of those who were there, at the forefront of an extraordinary advance in medicine, and you want to put your money where the return is likely to be significant, Become a Limited Partner of the Valeureux Fund.